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Regulations amended to suspend MPs who violate code of conduct

The new amendments to the parliament regulations will discipline members for non-compliance.

Ameera Osmanagic
25 July 2024, MVT 10:13
[File] Members in the parliament floor -- Photo: Parliament
Ameera Osmanagic
25 July 2024, MVT 10:13

The parliament's regulation was revised today, to include the suspension of parliament members from attending parliamentary discussions and committee meetings if they violate the institution's code of conduct.

While previous regulations did not allow for much to be done even if MPs are in violation of the regulations, the new amendment drafted by the general committee and passed today clearly detailed that MPs may have action taken against them for poor conduct.

As such, the amendment provides for a parliamentary punishment if MPs are found to be in violation of the parliament's code of conduct or the laws of the country. This is being done to maintain the dignity of the parliament and its sessions as well as to sustain the public's confidence in the institution, the amendment reads.

The amendment also requires a letter of condemnation to be sent to members who are found to be in violation, while a copy of the letter must also be sent to the other members. Such actions also prompt an announcement at the parliament explaining that it diminishes the dignity of the institution, along with a reminder to not repeat them.

Additional consequences also include being barred from the parliament sessions and committee meetings as well as being excluded from the parliament's delegations on official trips.

Damage to another member's property will also result in the expense being deducted from the offending member's salary, the amendment reads.

Although members may be banned from some sessions and meetings, they would still be able to participate and vote in special meetings.

Those include:

1. Impeachment of president

2. No confidence vote of a minister

3. Removal of judges and members of institutions

4. Approval of the state budget.

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