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Forum to streamline targets of MACL departments

MACL has launched an annual forum that aims to streamline the work of the company while providing a platform for the departments to collaborate to strategize the goals for the year.

Aishath Shuba Solih
22 February 2024, MVT 06:52
Managing Director and CEO of the MACL, Ibrahim Shareef speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the "Take Off" forum -- Photo: MACL
Aishath Shuba Solih
22 February 2024, MVT 06:52

A forum named “Take Off” that provides a platform for each department of Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) to share information regarding the operation strategies for the year has commenced.

MACL remarked that the forum Forum to streamline targets of MACL departments and collaborate to achieve the goals determined for this year. This forum that will take place over two days is being held at Crossroads Maldives Resort.

MACL's "Take Off" forum commencing for two days -- Photo: MACL

Speaking at the ceremony held to inaugurate the forum, Managing Director and CEO of the company, Ibrahim Shareef stated that transport service industries will endure significant changes shortly and asserted the importance of the senior personnel of the company remaining accustomed to these changes. He stated that the path to destroy the future is to work in adoption of short-sighted targets.

“We must become dynamic people equipped to promptly respond to imminent market changes. Most of the time, companies fail due to a lack of foresight.,” he advised.

In addition to Shareef, this forum was further attended by the Deputy Managing Director, company divisions and departments alongside leaders of the sessions.

MACL asserted that the “Take Off” forum is coordinated to strengthen their management and formulate the company’s yearly duties. They further added that a similar forum has been arranged to commence next year as well.

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