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Maldives’ stand on Chagos dispute benefits India; former AG

Mohamed Rehan
28 October 2022, MVT 11:54
Former Attorney General Dr. Mohamed Munavvar claims Maldives' decision to support Maldives over Chagos Archipelago dispute benefits India in gaining complete autonomy of Indian Ocean-- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
28 October 2022, MVT 11:54

Former Maldives Attorney General Dr. Mohamed Munavvar has claimed India stands to benefit from Maldives’ decision to switch support for Mauritius over Chagos Archipelago decolonization, amid the boundary dispute between the countries is tried at International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS).

Dr. Munavvar is a known intellect in the field of maritime academy, while he has previously been a state advisor over the boundary dispute. The former Attorney General filled the position for 10 years during former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s presidency.

Speaking about the contentious topic, Dr. Munavvar highlighted the close relationship between Mauritius and India. He also noted the high Indian population settled in the archipelagic nation.

He also claims India has temporarily established themselves in Haa Dhaalu Atoll Hanimaadhoo and Addu City, with the aim of extending their reach further south of Maldives. Chagos Archipelago falling into Mauritius territory will work in India’s favor, according to the former Attorney General.

“After setting ‘camp’ in north, center and south of the Maldives, they [India] will now look to control Chagos, which lies further south of the Maldives. Once the atolls have been reclaimed under Mauritius, Indian Ocean will come under their full control,” Dr. Munavvar, who had been a former Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) president, claimed.

Should India acquire complete autonomy of the Indian Ocean, China will have to acquire right of passage from India for its vessels traveling to Africa and the Middle-East. Maldives stands to lose its strategic benefits owing to its geographical location if India gains full control of the ocean, said Dr. Munavvar.

“We strongly believe India will suggest Maldives for such a course of action, and we believe it has already been discussed,” the former AG alleged.

After Mauritius filed for the delimitation of maritime boundary between Maldives at ITLOS, Maldives maintained its claim that the court had no jurisdiction in the case, asserting that the Chagos Archipelago which fell near the disputed territory was under UK control. However, International Court of Justice (ICJ) in 2021, declared the continued UK’s control over the Chagos Islands violated international law, and identified the atolls as part of Mauritius.

Recently, Maldives declared its support to Mauritius in the ICJ case over Chagos Archipelago decolonization. A move that attracted criticism to the Maldivian government, with many alleging the country was relinquishing control from part of its continental shelf. However, the rumors have been quashed by both Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Attorney General’s Office. The authorities asserted that though Maldives decided on supporting Mauritius to end UK’s colonization of the Chagos Islands, its stand at the ITLOS regarding the maritime boundary, with the preposition to extend Maldives continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, did not change.