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Mandhu College not owed fines over missing furniture: High Court

Ahmed Aiham
11 October 2020, MVT 19:07
The building which was previously utilized by Mandhu College. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI / MIHAARU
Ahmed Aiham
11 October 2020, MVT 19:07

The High Court, on Thursday, upheld the Civil Court's decision to withhold the granting of any late fines requested by Mandhu College, while agreeing to reimburse the college over missing furniture.

The issue surfaced during the former administration of Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, when the government forced the college to vacate its premises and held furniture used by the college.

Although the government had agreed to return the furniture, which includes the desks and chairs, the Ministry of Education later announced that certain items had gone missing after temporarily utilizing the building to for students of Madharasathul Arabiyya.

In 2017, Civil Court ruled in favour of Mandhu College, ordering the ministry to pay upwards of MVR 451,000 within 30 days, to the college's parent company Male' High Pvt Ltd, as compensation for the items.

The college initially sought MVR 1.2 million in both fines and costs of the equipment. However, the court ruled only to reimburse the cost of the furniture.

The college then appealed the decision at the High Court, following the government's failure to recompense Mandhu College within the allotted time, as well as to revert the decision on granting fines to the company.

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