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Parliament raises issue of Police inaction over vandalism attacks faced by female taxi driver

Rae Munavvar
02 November 2020, MVT 16:23
Capital city Male's only female taxi driver Aminath Waheed, has called on the police and the general public to support her in achieving a solution to the repeated acts of vandalism, highlighting that the incidents exacerbated the difficulties she faced in earning a livelihood as a single mother.
Rae Munavvar
02 November 2020, MVT 16:23

Ali Azim, the lawmaker for the Henveiru-Central Constituency and parliamentary group leader for super-majority holding Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) Ali Azim, on Monday, raised the issue of repeated vehicular vandalising faced by capital city Male's only female taxi driver Aminath Waheed.

MP Azim stated those who have had a hand in harassing Aminath, on these multiple occasions, must be reprimanded accordingly.

Quoting the police motto to “protect and serve”, the parliamentarian raised the question of whether the authorities were able to live up to said pledge made to all Maldives’ citizens, claiming that evidence indicated otherwise.

“Per my belief, it is not what we observe”, said Azim adding, “we cannot see this [motto] being put to action”.

The lawmaker then went on to describe the elected five-year tenure of MDP leadership as being one that came with massive public expectations, particularly with regards to justice.

He then accused certain unnamed factions within the state leadership of obstructing access to justice, alleging that there was little to excuse police inability to investigate a reoccurring issue such as that faced by Taxi Driver Aminath.

“That the issue has been lodged with police five times, and authorities have failed to resolve the matter is a huge issue”, said the MP.

In response, Vice Speaker of the Parliament and representative for Galolhu-North constituency Eva Abdulla clarified that despite the frequent recent repetitions of the popular adage "Women Can", if women are in fact not assured adequate safety and protection, then they that would leave them not able to do much at all.

MP Eva then suggested that the National Integrity Commission look into the matter, given that the perpetrator was released due to insufficient evidence, despite successfully causing harm to the victim across five separate incidents.

“The perpetrator must be found, and the National Integrity Commission should properly look into why Maldives’ Police have not been pursuing this case. The Human Rights Commission should investigate this issue for Aminath Waheedha”, said the Vice-Speaker.

The most recent bout of harassment and vandalism faced by Aminath Waheedha was reported on 27 October, less than a week prior to the above parliamentary discussion. 

 Per authorities, the windscreen of her car was entirely smashed, whilst parked on Izzuddin Magu in Maafannu ward of Male’ City. 

Noting that this was the fifth time that her taxi vehicle was purposefully damaged, Aminath raised concern that the police have thus far failed to collect sufficient evidence to identify the vandals and penalize them. Though initially, she expressed hope that evidence as to who instigated the recent attack could be retrieved via CCTV cameras in the area, local media reported that Aminath was unable to identify her assailant from the video footage.

She noted the possibility that the attack was carried out by her ex-husband or two particular male taxi drivers that habitually taunt and threaten her. According to Aminath, each act of vandalism had cost her between MVR 11000 to MVR 14000 in repairs for the rented vehicle.

The domestic abuse survivor had previously accused her former partner of being allegedly behind the damages caused to her vehicle in April 2019.
 Aminath called on the police and the general public to support her in achieving a solution to the repeated acts of vandalism, highlighting that the incidents exacerbated the difficulties she faced in earning a livelihood as a single mother.

Since 2017, when she started being active in the occupation, Aminath is known to be Male's only female taxi driver to operate in relation to taxi centres. 

Meanwhile, since reaching an all-time high in January 2020, public ire continues to soar over the government's meagre record of arresting and convicting perpetrators of sexual offences despite several promises to support the rights of children and women.