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500 residential land plots announced in Addu City

Mohamed Rehan
24 January 2023, MVT 16:36
Addu City; the city's council announced leasing 500 residential plots from three of its islands-- Addu City; the city's council announced leasing 500 residential plots from three of its islands--
Addu City; the city's council announced leasing 500 residential plots from three of its islands--
Mohamed Rehan
24 January 2023, MVT 16:36

Addu City Council on Monday opened applications for 500 residential land plots in three wards of the city.

The council will be leasing 300 plots of 1,500 square feet in Feydhoo and 100 plots each from Hulhudhoo and Meedhoo of 2,000 square feet. The city council said 90 percent of these plots will be allocated to the residents of these districts, while 10 percent will be leased to non-residents.

Interested parties must submit application forms to the council between 2—16 February.

While Addu City Council has announced leasing 500 residential land plots from three wards of the southernmost city, Mayor Ali Nizar told Mihaaru News last week that 400 plots from Hithadhoo would also be announced; however, Hithadhoo was not included in the city council's announcement.

Nizar had said that the council would have to amend the land use plan of Hithadhoo to allocate new land plots from the district. “Right now, we can only allocate the available spaces in Hithadhoo, but if we reclaim more areas, we’ll be able to provide another 2,000 to 3,000 land plots,” he said.

During President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s recent visit to Addu City, he said that there were repeated requests from the citizens to provide more residential land in the city. He assured the citizens that their needs would be met soon.

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