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STELCO wont be engaged in any politics: Fahmy

Malika Shahid
07 December 2023, MVT 11:19
Stelco's new Managing Director Hussain Fahmy during an interview with 'Mihaaru News' -- Fayaaz Moosa
Malika Shahid
07 December 2023, MVT 11:19

State Electric Company Limited (STELCO)'s new Managing Director, Hussain Fahmy, has said that he will check any employee's political ideology and emphasized that his focus will be to ensure that employees work together to achieve the company's goals.

Fahmy stated that he would not contact any employee to check their political views or those of their family.

"Previously, STELCO worked united for a national cause. I'll try to bring that spirit back. I will strive to unite employees and ensure they work together without discrimination," he said.

Fahmy said that the company's staff strength has increased from 700 to 1,600 in the last five years, excluding temporary staff. He highlighted that the company had added nearly a thousand employees, and the revenue had not increased proportionally.

"I will not engage in political work. I won't contact any employee or their spouses to inquire about their political ideology. I don't want to know who they vote for. That's not something I have to do," he said.

Although the company has more employees than it requires, it will try to provide other services based on the employees skill set, he said.

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