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LRA allows employees to report unpaid Ramadan allowance

Anaan Bushry
27 March 2023, MVT 19:52
Women's day / women / working / office life /
Anaan Bushry
27 March 2023, MVT 19:52

The Labour Relations Authority (LRA) has opened up the opportunity for Maldivian employees to register a complaint if they have not received the legally mandated Ramadan allowance.

According to the Employment Act, the Ramadan allowance must be paid to every Maldivian employee working in an establishment before the first day of every Ramadan. According to the law, a minimum of MVR 3,000 should be given as the Ramadan allowance.

The Labor Relations Authority said that if an employee has not received their Ramadan allowance, they can submit a complaint on the authority's website and on the form.

According to the Employment Act, if the employer does not meet the requirements of the Act, he will either be fined a sum between MVR 5,000 and MVR 50,000 or the employer's license can be revoked.