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Biometric data of 500 expats recorded under operation "Kuran'gi" to date

So far data of over 500 expatriates have been entered into the Maldivian systems in K. Hinmafushi

Ameera Osmanagic
11 May 2024, MVT 08:29
Operation Kuran'gi is scheduled to conclude in three years time with 100 percent of expatriates in the Maldives being verified -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
11 May 2024, MVT 08:29

Biometric data of over 500 expatriates living in the Maldives has been successfully recorded under the newly commenced "Operation Kuran'gi" aiming to collect data of all foreigners living the in the Maldives, revealed Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusan today.

In a social media post published by the Minister, he detailed that the operation is currently underway in Hinmafushi island of Kaafu Atoll, which is located in the central region of the country. So far, the data of 532 expatriates has been recorded, he highlighted.

This includes all 10 finger prints as well as images which can be used for facial recognition, which has now been uploaded into a special information system.

"Very soon this [information collection process] will begin in five areas of the Maldives simultaneously," said Minister Ihusan.

"I thank Hinmafushi Council for the support they are providing in this," he also said.

Operation Kuran'gi is run by the Ministry of Homeland Security in collaboration with Maldives Police Service and Maldives Immigration.

According to Minister Ihusan, there will be no expatriates without their information recorded in the Maldivian systems by the end of this operation, which is due to conclude in two phases over a three year period.

With the increasing number of undocumented migrants in the country, a verification initiative was previously launched during former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's administration in 2019 as well. At the time more than 40,000 expats registered through the initiative.

However, registration came to a halt and the operation was left incomplete at the time.