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Waste Management Centres to be set up in 100 islands

Minister Thoriq Ibrahim has said that work is ongoing to establish Waste Management Centres in 100 islands in order to facilitate more responsible waste disposal.

Mariyath Mohamed
05 March 2024, MVT 14:51
Thilafushi - the island being used for waste management for nearly three decades.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
05 March 2024, MVT 14:51

Minister of Climate Change, Environment and Energy Thoriq Ibrahim has said that work is ongoing to establish Waste Management Centres in 100 islands in order to facilitate more responsible waste disposal.

Speaking about the Environment Ministry's commitments under the current administrations first 100 day '14 Weeks' plan, Thoriq said that a five year plan to resolve the waste management issues had been compiled and published last month.

Waste management was officially undertaken in the Maldives only as recently as 2004, following the year's tsunami disaster. The Minister said that while, since then, waste management facilities are set up in 79 islands, these are run at a very basic level.

In consideration of this, the decision has been made to source the necessary equipment and resources, and set up 100 Waste Management Centres across the country.

In 54 islands, entirely new set ups are going to be established for waste management.

In the remaining 44, the existing waste management set ups will under renovations and updating to be brought up to the standards of a modern waste management centre.

The Minister said that along with the necessary equipment, vehicles will also be provided for use in the service. Employees to work at the centres will also under special training.

According to Thoriq, efforts will be made to establish centres in three regions of the country, and to ensure the services are established in a holistic manner.

Regional Waste Management Hubs


- Waste management work is being conducted on the island even at present

- Currently, 40 tons of waste are managed on the island daily

- Minister pledges to provide more equipment that will provide ease of operations and a holistic result


- Waste from Kaafu, Alif Alif, Alif Dhaalu and Vaavu atolls are taken to this island

- 500 tons of waste are burned on this island in a day

- Minister said that Thilafushi will be expanded to better accommodate the rising amount of waste being produced as a result of the increasing population in this region

- Funds for the project are currently being sought


- A portion of the funds necessary for this part of the waste management project has been given by ADFD

- Work will be completed by 2027

- Arrangements will be made so as to facilitate the transport of waste from Gaafu Alif, Gaafu Dhaalu and Fuvahmulah atolls to this location

"In the waste burning system, through burning waste and the recovering waste hear, power will also be generated. Power of 11 megawatts will be generated. That work too is progressing. I believe that work will reach completion and come into operation by the end of 2024," the Minister said.

MVR 2 billion is the estimated cost of responsible waste management. According to the Minister, the current year's budget has an allocation of 172.5 million for waste management. Hence, the funds will be sought through foreign aid and through next year's budget.