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Azaan heavily criticized following vote against revealing information

MP Azaan, who had strongly advocated for transparency within the government and right to information has voted to veto the motion submitted by MDP, requesting to reveal the number of political appointees at the government.

Aishath Shuba Solih
04 July 2024, MVT 16:51
MP of Central Hithadhoo, Ahmed Azaan Marzooq. -- Photo: Parliament
Aishath Shuba Solih
04 July 2024, MVT 16:51

MP of Central Hithadhoo, Ahmed Azaan Marzooq, who had strongly advocated for right to information has voted against accepting the emergency motion submitted by opposition, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) calling to reveal the number of political appointees yesterday.

Azaan, who had formerly worked as a journalist had submitted several Right to Information (RTI) requests during former President, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's administration and advocated for transparency and information disclosing.

He had also taken multiple cases to court once the then government had refused to reveal security documents and agreements with foreign nations.

Moreover, the parliamentarian had also requested to divulge the President's Office's expenditure on overseas travels and the number of political appointees in the government in addition to other information pertaining to the management of the government. He had taken to heavily criticizing the government following their refusal to divulge the requested information at the time.

Azaan was a strong advocate for right to information on social media as well.

MDP had submitted the motion to parliament yesterday following the current administration's failure in revealing the number of political appointees in the government and expenditure by companies on employee stipends.

The poll undertaken on the motion saw 11 members voting in acceptance while 56 legislators of the ruling party, People's National Congress (PNC) had voted to veto the motion.

Despite the option to abstain from the vote, Azaan had pressed the red button during the session yesterday and openly expressed his disapproval of the emergency motion, after which he has been heavily condemned on social media.

Questioned on his decision by Mihaaru News, Azaan maintained that he continues to believe that the State must reveal the number of political appointees and other such information to the public. However, he alleged that MDP had not submitted the motion for the purpose of acquiring information but solely to waste time.

"The emergency motion was called to force the government. That is not something that can be done. Even now, [I] believe information should be revealed. The government's mindset is also to reveal information," said Azaan.

According to Azaan, the President's Office assured once contacted to clarify information that the number of political appointees will be divulged next week.

"I still haven't received the number of political appointees I tried to find during MDP's tenure. [President Dr Mohamed Muizzu] has now ordered to reveal that information," said Azaan.

The Information Commissioner's Office of Maldives (iCOM) had mandated the government to reveal the information once they had failed to do so despite several RTI requests from reporters and citizens.