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Two expats arrested for selling dollars on the black market

Two expatriates were detained last night while in the process of selling US dollars on the black market outside the Bank of Maldives dollar ATM in Male'.

Mariyath Mohamed
04 July 2024, MVT 09:51
Immigration detained two expatriates involved in foreign currency exchange. The photo shows money discovered on them.-- Photo: Immigration
Mariyath Mohamed
04 July 2024, MVT 09:51

Two expatriates were detained last night while in the process of selling US dollars on the black market outside the Bank of Maldives dollar ATM in Male'.

In a post on social media, Maldives Immigration indicated that the two were who were detained for further investigation are 'illegal expatriates', and were intercepted during a special raid operation held last night.

The post included photos of the two individuals detained, who were identified as two Bangladeshi men.

On March 9, Immigration detained some expatriates conducting black market sale of dollars and subsequently deported them.

During that operation, 7 people were detained. Of these, some were undocumented, while others were working outside the purview of their visa conditions.

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