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'The Wellness Club' to release new group classes

The Wellness Club is introducing its new releases for group exercises classes on Wednesday and Thursday.

Ameera Osmanagic
04 June 2024, MVT 19:47
New release classes from last year by The Wellness Club --
Ameera Osmanagic
04 June 2024, MVT 19:47

Popular local gym, 'The Wellness Club', will be releasing its new group classes this Wednesday and Thursday, announced the gym today.

These releases will feature new exercises for its going group class tracks. The purpose of these new exercises is to prevent the body from getting used to the same exercises and to increase the intensity of the exercises as well as the interest and excitement towards it.

According to 'The Wellness Club' their new releases are always well received by their patrons. While the club always focuses on new themes in these releases, this time's theme centres around the Euro Cup.

These classes will commence on Wednesday evening at 4:15 pm and will continue until 7:30 pm, while Thursday's classes will also start at 4:15 pm, but will continue until later to finish at 09:00 pm.

Classes which will be in the new releases are body attack, body pump, body combat, zumba and wellness floor classes.

While the new release classes will be free of charge for the public, 'The Wellness Club' hosts classes exclusively for females as well as mixed classes for both genders.

Information on these classes will be available on The Wellness Club's social media pages.

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