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One injured in speedboat collision still in hospital

The incident occurred at 23:00 hrs last night near Hulhule' channel. According to the police, seven people were injured in the incident and were taken to IGMH for treatment.

Malika Shahid
05 June 2024, MVT 13:06
One of the speedboats from the accident which occurred last night -- Photo: Police
Malika Shahid
05 June 2024, MVT 13:06

Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) has reported that only one person from those injured in the dangerous speedboat collision last night is currently receiving treatment at the hospital.

The incident occurred at 23:00 hrs last night near Hulhule' channel. According to the police, seven people were injured in the incident and were taken to IGMH for treatment.

A spokesperson from IGMH informed Mihaaru News that six of the patients have been discharged after receiving treatment.

"One person is currently receiving treatment in the ward," he said.

However, the hospital did not provide details regarding the injuries sustained by the individuals.

Last Saturday, a Bangladeshi national who was fishing for groupers in the sea near Alifu Dhaalu atoll Dhangethi had passed away after being struck by a speedboat. The driver of the speedboat was arrested and remanded in custody for 15 days.

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