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Kuda Huvadhoo council establishes a mortuary

A mortuary was established in Dhaalu Atoll Kuda Huvadhoo on Tuesday. The mortuary has a capacity of storing three bodies at a time, and is built with an attached funeral home.

Mariyath Mohamed
27 March 2024, MVT 13:32
Mariyath Mohamed
27 March 2024, MVT 13:32

A mortuary was established in Dhaalu Atoll Kuda Huvadhoo on Tuesday.

This is the second mortuary to be set up outside of Male'. The other mortuary besides in Male' is in Laamu Atoll Hithadhoo.

The Kuda Huvadhoo Mortuary was inaugurated by Minister of Cities, Local Government and Public Works Adam Shareef.

The mortuary has a capacity of storing three bodies at a time, and is built with an attached funeral home.

Kuda Huvadhoo Council President Ibrahim Fikury stated that with the island having an airport, whenever a tourist passed away in a nearby resort, the body was often brought to the island to await transfer to capital Male' City. He said that it was challenging to ensure transfers occurred in a timely manner as there were previously no ideal facilities for holding the bodies in the island.

The mortuary was established to address these issues.

The council spent MR 350,000 on the construction of the mortuary building. The mortuary cabinets were gifted by Bright Brothers Pvt Ltd.

Fikury further stated that the prices are also set at the same rate as in the mortuary in Male'.

Fikury stated that the council always prioritized public services within the island. The Council's policy in leasing land to companies for commercial use is that in return, the companies must offer something back to the island's community through their CSR initiatives.

"Bright Brothers sells petrol in this island. When we renewed the lease for the land they are using on this island, we made it obligatory for the company to do something important for the island under their CSR activities. This mortuary is what they opted for from amongst the projects that are important to us," he said.

The mortuary will be maintained and overseen by the Kuda Huvadhoo Council.

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