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MP Eva reaffirms solidarity with women and girls in Palestine on Women's Day

In a statement released on the occasion of International Women's Day, MP Eva says she "wants to celebrate the resilience of our sisters in Gaza and to express solidarity as they face unimaginable horror, and suffering in the face of Israeli occupation".

Mariyath Mohamed
08 March 2024, MVT 19:47
MP Eva Abdulla
Mariyath Mohamed
08 March 2024, MVT 19:47

As today is marked as International Women's Day, North Galolhu constituency MP and Former Deputy Speaker Eva Abdulla of The Democrats has released a strong statement in support of women and girls in Palestine.

Eva said in her statement that across the world, the day is commemorated by celebrating women's achievements and the right to gender equality, pointing out that it must also be utilized as an opportunity to highlight the struggles faced by women globally.

"Today, I want to celebrate the resilience of our sisters in Gaza and to express solidarity as they face unimaginable horror, and suffering in the face of Israeli occupation and terror," the statement reads.

Eva went on to quote statistics published by UN Women, stating that at least 9000 women have been killed to date in Gaza. Eighty percent women are believed to be going hungry in exchange for feeding their children, and, on average, every hour sees the death of two mothers in Gaza.

The women of Palestine, like their counterparts across the world, are entitled to the right to life, safety, health and dignity, Eva unequivocally stated.

She repeated her calls on the international community to end the occupation and suffering in Palestine.

"If women need our voices and our support anywhere, it is the women and girls in Palestine. If we stand for women’s rights and security anywhere, we must stand for the rights and security of women and girls in Palestine," she said.