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PNC voted in opposition of amendment passed today to postpone Parliamentary elections

Voted in favor by the Parliament's majority, the amendment to delay parliamentary elections to after Ramadan was passed today and is to be sent to the committee for approval.

Aishath Shuba Solih
06 February 2024, MVT 12:01
People's Parliament meeting
Aishath Shuba Solih
06 February 2024, MVT 12:01

The amendment to hold the parliamentary elections after Ramadan has been sent to the committee for approval.

Elections Commision (EC) is presently decided on holding the elections on March 17, during the first week of Ramadan.

The amendment proposed by Ihavandhoo Consitituency parliamentarian, Mohamed Shifau had put forth an amendment to Article 43 of the Constitution.

The amendments dictate that no elections may be held in Ramadan and if the date in the constitution falls into Ramadan, the elections must be postponed and held 10 days after Ramadan.

If a situation hinders from performing as stated under the General Elections Act, the time periods dictated by the constitution must be altered and new deadlines must be set by EC in order to avoid holding elections during Ramadan, it says.

Members of the political parties, Democrats, Jumhooree Party (JP) and Maldives Development Alliance (MDA), who spoke at the parliament today expressed support for this amendment.

While Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) refrained from speaking on the motion, two new members of People’s National Congress (PNC) had spoken at the meeting today. They had not, however, indicated any support for the amendment.

The voting held today to pass the motion found 39 members in favor while 11 members voted in opposition. These 11 members included PNC PG Leader and Fonadhoo MP, Moosa Siraj alongside other members of the party.

Hence, with the favor of majority, the passing of the amendment was announced and the decision to send the bill to a five-member committee was made.

The current 19th parliamentary term will conclude on 28th May 2024.

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