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Islamic Ministry opens "Media Exhibition 2024"

Ameera Osmanagic
22 July 2024, MVT 07:30
Vice President Hussain Mohamed Latheef inaugurated the Media Exhibition 2024 of the Islamic Ministry -- Photo: Islamic Ministry
Ameera Osmanagic
22 July 2024, MVT 07:30

Ministry of Islamic Affairs has opened a "Media Exhibition 2024" to showcase all the work done by the ministry so far, from one place.

The exhibition was inaugurated by Vice President Hussain Mohamed Latheef, and demonstrates all the achievements of the ministry during the past eight months including those in President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu's manifesto.

Islamic Ministry said that the exhibition has stalls from various sections and offices which fall within the purview of the ministry, from which information of the ministry's projects would be available.

Stalls at the exhibition include:

- Maldivian Zakat House

- Supreme Council of Islamic Fatwa

- Mosque Management Section

- Publication Unit and Halal Certification Unit

- Hajj and Umrah unit

- Islamic Dawat

- National Center for Holy Quran

- Minister's Bureau

- Infrastructure

The exhibition continue until tonight and reopen tomorrow from 09:00 am to 06:00 pm.