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President's first official trip to the atolls, first stop in Guraidhoo

On his first official trip to the atolls, President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has arrived in Thaa Atoll Guraidhoo as his first destination. This is the island that gave him the highest percentage of votes in the presidential election.

Mariyath Mohamed
06 February 2024, MVT 11:49
President greets the public on his arrival at Thaa Atoll Guraidhoo.--Photo: President's Office
Mariyath Mohamed
06 February 2024, MVT 11:49

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has left today on his first official trip to the atolls since he assumed office.

His first stop is at Thaa Atoll Guraidhoo, after which he will be visiting eleven other islands within the same atoll during a period of three days.

Public awaits the arrival of the President at Thaa Atoll Guraidhoo.

Guraidhoo is the island from which the President received the largest percentage of votes in last September's presidential election. He has previously stated that he would commence his visits to islands of the Maldives with a trip to Guraidhoo as an act to honour their support.

This first trip, where the President is accompanied by a high level delegation from the government, is dedicated to visits in 'Kolhamadulu' (Thaa) Atoll.

President speaks to the public after being welcomed at Thaa Guraidhoo today.

During the visit, meetings are scheduled to be held with residents, councils, as well as Women's Development Committees.

President Dr Muizzu maintains that throughout his presidency, he will prioritize working closely with citizens, and has pledged to make a visit to every inhabited island in the country.