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Guraidhoo wins against Huraa after 36 years

In today's Group C match in the Gold Cup, Guraidhoo has won against Huraa with a score of 1-3.

Mariyath Mohamed
23 November 2024, MVT 18:56
Guraidhoo team celebrates after scoring a goal against Huraa.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru Guraidhoo team celebrates after scoring a goal against Huraa.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Guraidhoo team celebrates after scoring a goal against Huraa.-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
23 November 2024, MVT 18:56

In today's Group C match in the Gold Cup, Guraidhoo has won against Huraa with a score of 1-3.

The last time Guraidhoo won against Huraa was 36 years ago, in 1988, where Guraidhoo won 1-2 in a home match.

Former players for the Guraidhoo team say that there has not been a single win against Huraa since that day.

This includes failure to win even when Guraidhoo's Guraidhoo Zuvaanunge Jamiyya and Huraa's Huriyya Sports Club faced each other in first division matches in Male' for many years.

The Guraidhoo Zuvaanunge Jamiyya team played in first division for four years.

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