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Nazim aims to support Qasim's aspirations for the nation

04 August 2023, MVT 10:14
Nazim and Shihab with Qasim at the meeting where they signed to join the Jumhooree Party --Photo: Jumhooree Party
04 August 2023, MVT 10:14

Former Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, Ahmed Nazim, has expressed his desire to support the leader of the Jumhooree Party (JP) and the party's presidential candidate, Qasim Ibrahim, in his endeavors to propel the Maldives towards progress.

He emphasized that this was the main reason for his decision to join the JP. The former Dhiggaru MP made this statement following the signing ceremony to join the party yesterday.

Making a comeback in the political arena after an extended period, Nazim expressed the wish to engage in this field once again, considering it as a personal challenge in his life. He expressed his wish to contribute to the political landscape once more, indicating his enthusiasm for taking on this new endeavor.

"I want to contribute to taking the country forward and realizing the vision that Qasim Ibrahim has tirelessly worked for throughout his life. I consider this as a significant opportunity. If we strive towards this objective, Jumhooree Party holds the potential to reshape the nation's trajectory," said Nazim.

Nazim had been a close associate of former President and Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) presidential candidate Abdulla Yameen. He played crucial roles in the establishment of the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), People’s Alliance (PA), and Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM). However, differences in opinion led to a distancing of ties between Nazim and Yameen. The bond further deteriorated during the last days of Yameen's presidency, resulting in Nazim's sentencing to 25 years in prison.

The Supreme Court delivered the 25-year jail sentence in 2015, accusing Nazim of fraudulent activity related to winning a project to procure flags, which was announced by the former Atolls Ministry. Subsequently, the sentence was appealed on behalf of Nazim, and in December 2018, the Supreme Court acquitted him of the charges. Following his acquittal, Nazim had not been actively involved in politics.

Speaking at the JP headquarters, Nazim highlighted the significant role JP had played in the formation of the past three governments. He emphasized that this role remains open to the party and expressed his belief that it will continue to be available even after the upcoming presidential elections on September 9. Nazim stated his commitment to work towards this objective and vowed to do his utmost to turn Qasim's aspirations into a reality.

Nazim said that he had never encountered anyone as thoughtful and considerate as Qasim. Nazim also praised Qasim's unwavering commitment and resilience, emphasizing that Qasim remained steadfast regardless of the circumstances they faced.

Mohamed Shihab, a former Minister at the President's Office and a close associate of Qasim, also rejoined the Jumhooree Party (JP) on Thursday.

Former Minister at the President’s Office Mohamed Shihab and Former Deputy Speaker of Parliament Ahmed Nazim signed to join the Jumhooree Party --Photo: Nishan Ali

During Thursday's ceremony, Qasim spoke highly of Nazim and Shihab, referring to them as extraordinary individuals. He said that both of them possess valuable experience and a genuine love for the country. Qasim urged the people to pay attention to their opinions and insights, recognizing the significance of their contributions in shaping the nation's future.

According to Qasim, the statements made by both Nazim and Shihab hold significant meaning. He said that Maldivians should not merely focus on personal financial gains but should look at individuals who genuinely love the country and demonstrate sincerity and loyalty to it. Qasim stressed the importance of considering loyalty to the nation's future, independence, and sovereignty as crucial traits when making decisions about the country's leadership and its direction.