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Under20 volley team faces defeat in first match

Maldives Under20 team has been defeated by Turkmenistan in the first match of the CAVA Under 20 Men's Volleyball Championship that commenced in Sri Lanka yesterday.

Mariyath Mohamed
07 October 2024, MVT 09:50
CAVA Men's U20 Volleyball Championship Maldives Vs Turkmenistan October 6 2024. Colombo, Srilanka
Mariyath Mohamed
07 October 2024, MVT 09:50

Maldives Under20 team has been defeated by Turkmenistan in the first match of the CAVA Under 20 Men's Volleyball Championship that commenced in Sri Lanka yesterday.

Turkmenistan won the sets of the match with scores of 10-25, 13-25 and 25-27.

Although they ultimately faced defeat, the young team from Maldives showed promising play in the final set of the match. Although the first two sets were lost, the third set saw Maldives taking the lead. However, as the set neared its end, the team was unable to properly receive Turkmenistan's attacks, ending in losing the third set too.

Players on the Under 20 Volley team are:

Ali Adhuham Ahamed Adam

Ahmed Ilham Ali

Iyan Ali

Ibrahim Rakin Hassan

Mohamed Riffath

Ahmed Maaee Mohamed

Yaeesh Riffath Mohamed

Mohamed Ikram Ismail Rasheed

Shanif Ahmed

Ahmed Mifzal

Yaish Mohamed Shiham

Hassan Alvin Shahid

Head coach for the team is Dr Mohamed Muneez, with Mohamed Shifaz as team manager.

In addition to Maldives and Turkmenistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are also playing in the championship.

Nepal beat Sri Lanka yesterday with sets of 14-25, 23-25 and 26-28. Uzbekistan defeated Kyrgyzstan with scores of 30-25, 26-28 and 10-25.

After the round robin tournament, teams that finish first and second will play the final match on Saturday. The remaining four teams will also play ranking matches on the same day.

Maldives will play its second match today, this time facing Sri Lanka. On Tuesday, Maldives will play against Nepal, and against Uzbekistan on Thursday. In the last match of the round robin tournament, Maldives will play against Kyrgyzstan on Friday.

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