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Police Officers promoted despite President Elect's request

Mariyath Mohamed
15 November 2023, MVT 11:07
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih attending the event to mark MPS 90 years of service.-- Photo: President's Office
Mariyath Mohamed
15 November 2023, MVT 11:07

Maldives Police Services have promoted five officers to Assistant Commissioner level, also issuing a further number of promotions to officers of varying ranks.

These promotions have been granted with only 48 hours left in the current administration, and despite the President Elect's Office having requested a halt to promotions in the transitional period.

Commissioner of Police (CP) Mohamed Hameed, planning to retire today, has notified President Elect Dr Mohamed Muizzu that a number of officers in the executive level of the police services have been promoted. In addition to these, a number of other police officers are also to receive promotions before the end of the day.

Details have not yet been released regarding the officers receiving these promotions.

CP Hameed informed President Elect Muizzu that these promotions were decided upon earlier in August. He said that they had held back placing the promotions in effect as the presidential election was near and the service deemed it important to not conduct any actions that may be perceived as unduly influencing the election.

The message sent to the President Elect also mentioned that a meeting had been requested last week to discuss promotions and other pressing matters.

"I do not want to retire while something as important as this remains pending. That would be an injustice to the hard working officers deserving promotions," Hameed stated.

Hameed assured that the promotions have been granted in accordance with the set rules and policies.

He said that in the instance that any of the promotions need to be reviewed, or there appears to any kind of conflict, those matters must be addressed through an appropriate method.

The Anti Corruption Commission had also earlier instructed the Police to halt these promotions. The Prosecutor General, however, advised the Police that the order need not be adhered to as it was not issued through any legal provisions.