Education Minister Dr. Aishath Ali has said that 75 percent of teachers working in the Maldives are women.
The Minister made this statement in her Teachers' Day message sending greetings and well wishes to all teachers in the Maldives.
The Minister noted that the theme dedicated by UNESCO for this year's Teachers Day is "The Teachers We Need for the Education We Want: The Global Imperative to Reverse the Teacher Shortage." She elaborated that UNESCO highlights two major issues in education sectors across the world, including Maldives.
The first issue is the fact that academically strong students do not choose teaching as a profession. The Minister said that the interest to join the profession has been declining due to the work environment of teachers.
Noting that the UNESCO highlights the decline in the number of men working in the education sector as a concern, the Minister said current statistics in the Maldives show that 75 percent of teachers working in the Maldives are women.
"Three out of every four teachers are women. Twenty two percent of teachers working in Maldives are foreigners. These figures show significant opportunities for development in the education sector," said the Minister.
UNESCO has proposed seven steps to address issues currently faced by the teaching profession. They include focusing on the education of new entrants in to the teaching field and provision of an allowance for student teachers in addition to their course fees.
The UNESCO proposal includes providing adequate remuneration to teachers commensurate with their workload. The current government increased teachers salary by 65 percent earlier this year.
The Minister said that reducing administrative workload of teachers to ensure they can focus on teaching, and support from school management were also important steps. She noted that the biggest challenge to the education sector can be resolved if these issues are prioritized.
In her statement, the Minister said we cannot be complacent and keep using teaching methodologies of the past as we face 21st century productivity and mindsets. She elaborated that we need to facilitate educational opportunities similar to those in developed countries. The Minister said our students need to be exposed to modern technology and skills in order to ensure they are prepared for their respective lives as outlined in our curriculum.
The Minister said, "Student development has been and continues to be our main focus. This is why we have focused on introducing STEM education and vocational centers into the formal education system. This is also the goal of the ongoing Literacy and Numeracy Program (LAMP). We want to ensure every student is truly literate, equipped with life skills and ready to serve the nation."
Teachers' Day celebration