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Former Judge Ghani elected as Tax Appeal Tribunal President

Former Supreme Court Judge Abdul Ghani Mohamed has been elected as the President of the Tax Appeal Tribunal.

Mariyath Mohamed
28 October 2024, MVT 16:57
Judges appointment vow / supreme court / judge /
Mariyath Mohamed
28 October 2024, MVT 16:57

Former Supreme Court Judge Abdul Ghani Mohamed has been elected as the President of the Tax Appeal Tribunal.

Thirteen candidates applied when the four vacant positions at the tribunal were announced. The names were referred to the Parliament's Judiciary Committee for consideration, with Parliament voting in favour of four. The President then appointed the four individuals as members of the Tax Appeal Tribunal.

The four newly elected members of the tribunal are:

1. Hassan Zuhair Mohamed, G. Maavarulu

2. Ibrahim Shareef, G. Aleesha

3. Shifza Abdul Gayoom, Gaafu alif atoll Nilandhoo

4. Abdul Ghani Mohamed, H. Hostside

While Ghani has been elected as President, the position of Vice President will be held by Zuhair. The two were elected through a vote taken amongst members.

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