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Expats nabbed from markets still detained

Authorities are cracking down on expatriates operating small businesses in the country - something which is illegal in the country.

Ameera Osmanagic
08 July 2024, MVT 09:10
Foreign workers active at the local market space on Majeedhee Magu near Villa Mart -- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
08 July 2024, MVT 09:10

Expatriates who were caught illegally operating stalls at two different local market spaces in Malé, during a special raid operation by Maldives Immigration are still in custody, the agency has revealed.

An official from Maldives Immigration said that they are currently in the process of deporting those apprehended, with their documentation processing and other related matters currently underway.

The market near Villa Mart on Majeedhee magu and the other near Television Maldives (TVM) on Ameenee Magu were entirely shut down on the night of 29th June after almost all of the expatriates working there were taken into custody. With that, both markets were officially closed by around 20:00 hrs that night and remained closed for the next 2-3 days.

However, reports say that the markets are back up and running, with expatriates still running the show, which according to the Business Registration Act (Act no. 18/2014) of Maldives, is prohibited.

According to the law, foreigners are not allowed to run businesses "engaged in any retail trade or any type of small business conducted by Maldivians in any part of the Maldives."

Maldives Immigration has debunked speculations that those currently manning the market stalls are the same expatriates who were taken into custody on 29th.

Following the operation that day, Immigration Controller Mohamed Shamman said that the agency has identified expatriates who were running their own businesses unlawfully from those who were detained that day.

"And these individuals will be deported from the country within the regulations," he added.

In Immigration's efforts to crack down on undocumented expatriates, the agency apprehended eight foreigners last Friday night from a takeaway coffee shop in Phase 1 of Hulhumalé.

Maldives Immigration also took into custody about 50 expatriates from the government run local market last week.

Another two individuals involved in sale of dollars on the blackmarket were taken into custody last week as well.

Controller Shamman said last night that the government's aim is to identify expatriates who are in the small and medium business sector unlawfully.

"We are working as per President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu's pledge to find a quick solution for the problem faced by locals," Shamman said, assuring expatriates who are found to be engaging in unlawful activities would have necessary measures taken against them as per the law.

Shamman also confirmed that Immigration will continue with these raids.