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Deliberations held to ease US Visa process for Maldivians

Mariyath Mohamed
24 February 2024, MVT 12:35
Minister of Foreign Affairs Moosa Zameer meets Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources of the United States of America Richard Verma.-- Photo: MoFA
Mariyath Mohamed
24 February 2024, MVT 12:35

Minister of Foreign Affairs Moosa Zameer has met with the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources of the United States of America Richard Verma on Thurday.

During the meeting, the two officials deliberated on numerous matters of mutual interest, key among which was increasing people-to-people ties, through which the existing visa procedures will be further simplified, as well as collaboration on tourism and climate change related activities.

The continued Maldives-USA ties were highlighted, while continued commitment to democratic principles and the rule of law, economic prosperity, defense, and broader security cooperation was pledged by both countries.

Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs of the US Department of State Donald Lu was also in the Maldives on an official visit in January.

Although the Maldives' government has not revealed details of the deliberations held then, Lu has since spoken about a number of agreements that have been reached when he was peaking at the Indo-Pacific Relations panel discussion held at United States Institute for Peace (USIP) this month.

Lu revealed that United States of America's Development Finance Corporation - run under its federal government - is in deliberations with the Maldives' government on prospective investments in the country. Additionally, he also said that they are holding deliberations to gift Maldives patrol boats and an aircraft to aid in patrolling the country's ocean territory and borders.

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