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Maldives govt looks to include guesthouses for green tax

Mohamed Visham
21 June 2016, MVT 12:17
A guesthouse in the southernmost atoll Addu. A guesthouse in the southernmost atoll Addu.
A guesthouse in the southernmost atoll Addu.
Mohamed Visham
21 June 2016, MVT 12:17

Government is looking to expand the USD6 charged as green tax from tourists to include guesthouses through an amendment to the tourism Act submitted to parliament on Monday.

Introduced last November, the green tax is currently levied on tourists staying at tourist resorts, tourist hotels and tourist vessels.

But the amendment will now charge USD6 daily from tourists staying at guesthouses.

Government had earlier decided to exempt guesthouses in order to reduce the impact on small and medium businesses.

According to the latest statistics, government has received USD17.9 million as green tax so far this year making it the second largest avenue for foreign currency into the Maldives.

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