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Im’aan renews 200 meters backstroke national record

Mohamed Rehan
31 July 2023, MVT 14:11
Swimming Imaan
Mohamed Rehan
31 July 2023, MVT 14:11

Ali Im'aan has set a new national record in the 200 meters backstroke at the ongoing 20th World Aquatics Championship in Fukuoka, Japan.

Ali Im'aan broke the national record by completing his 200 meters backstroke heat in 2 minutes and 23.46 seconds, which is 4.71 seconds faster than his previous record set at the seventh World Junior Championship in 2017.

Im’aan completed the 2017 championship’s heat in under two minutes and 28.17 seconds.

So far, Maldivian athletes have either renewed or set six new national records at the championship, which includes Im'aan's renewal of his 200 meters backstroke record and his setting of a new record in the 100 meters backstroke event.

Hamna Ahmed, who competed in the women's 100-meter backstroke event, also set a new national record.

Both Meral Ain Latheef and Mohamed Rihaan Shiham renewed the national record for the 200-meter butterfly stroke.

Additionally, the team set a new national record in the 4 x 100 meters mixed medley relay event.

Maldives concluded the 4 x 100 meters mixed freestyle relay event in four minutes and 17.74 seconds, with Meral completing the 400 meters individual medley event in six minutes and 23.04 seconds. Rihaan finished his 50 meters backstroke event in 31.44 seconds.

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