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“Top govt official illegally met MP’s killer outside of prison”

Fathmath Shaahunaz
06 August 2017, MVT 18:16
Hussain Humam convicted of killing MP Dr Afrasheem Ali being led to the Supreme Court on June 20, 2016. MIHAARU PHOTO/MOHAMED SHARUHAAN
Fathmath Shaahunaz
06 August 2017, MVT 18:16

President Abdulla Yameen proclaimed Sunday that an investigation is underway into a former top government official for allegedly meeting with Hussain Human, who is convicted of murdering the former Ungoofaaru MP and Islamic scholar Dr Afrasheem Ali, at a resort illegally while Humam was serving his sentence in Maafushi Prison.

Speaking at a ceremony of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) held at State Electric Company (STELCO), President Yameen declared that new information has been uncovered into the brutal killing of Dr Afrasheem Ali in 2012. While the president did not disclose the identity of the state official or the date they met Hussain Humam, it is believed that the president was referring to his jailed former Vice President Ahmed Adheeb.

According to President Yameen, two guards at Maafushi Prison had witnessed Hussain Humam being taken out of prison and to a resort to meet the government official. President Yameen claimed that one of the guards has provided their testimony to Police.

“They took the statement on my request; I knew that such an event had occurred,” he said.

President Yameen stated that a top official of the government holding an illegal meeting with an inmate outside of prison raises questions and suspicions, and must be investigated. He added that the probe will reveal those who orchestrated Dr Afrasheem’s murder.

He went on to say that Police will take the witness statement from the second guard as well, before proceeding with the investigation to uncover the identity of the state official who met Human and the reason for their meeting.

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