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Suzu Beauty Salon's Shushmita Dhaugoda deported

Shushmita was deported on August 20 for violating the conditions of her visa by engaging in unauthorized business activities.

Malika Shahid
25 August 2024, MVT 10:52
Malika Shahid
25 August 2024, MVT 10:52

Maldives Immigration has deported Shushmita Dhaugoda, also known as Suzu, who was found to be conducting business illegally under the name Suzu Beauty Salon.

Maldives Immigration shared the 28-year-old's photo on social media platform X, and said that a special inspection had been conducted on August 18 following reports received through their online portal, Immigration Watch.

Shushmita was deported on August 20 for violating the conditions of her visa by engaging in unauthorized business activities.

Similarly, Rajani Shrestha, who operated Ritz Beauty Salon, was deported on August 13 for the same reasons. Along with Rajani, four other expatriates working at the salon without valid visas were also deported.

Maldives Immigration has been intensifying inspections to identify and deport expatriates working illegally in the country. These efforts include shutting down food businesses and other illegal establishments run by expatriates, resulting in numerous arrests.

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