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MQA appeals against High Court ruling to accept PhD in Supreme Court

MQA has filed an appeal at the Supreme Court last week, but the court has yet to decide whether to accept the case.

Malika Shahid
20 October 2024, MVT 16:52
MQA meeting -- Photo: MQA
Malika Shahid
20 October 2024, MVT 16:52

Maldives Qualifications Authority (MQA) has filed an appeal against the High Court's decision to mandate the PhD certificate that the authority had previously rejected.

Offered by a Sri Lankan college which provides the qualification through a Philippines college, the PhD course was first undertaken after MQA announced in 2016 that the qualification will be nationally accepted.

The authority however revoked their decision to accept the qualification from January 2018 onwards, opting to solely recognize certificates of those engaged in the course until that point.

Despite this, MQA had refused to validate the certificate submitted for validation in 2021.

MQA has filed an appeal at the Supreme Court last week, but the court has yet to decide whether to accept the case.

Although MQA decided not to accept their certificates, the prosecution told the High Court that the certificates should be recognized.

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