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Health ministry investigates Tree Top Hospital negligence claims

18 October 2023, MVT 15:38
Patients seeking treatment at Tre Top Hospital: There have been protests against the hospital alleging negligence that resulted in the death of a cancer patient -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa
18 October 2023, MVT 15:38

The Health Ministry has launched an investigation into the alleged neglect of patients seeking treatment at Tree Top Hospital.

Tree Top Hospital, established five years ago with the goal of delivering the highest quality healthcare in the country, faced protests on Sunday. Demonstrators alleged that the hospital did not provide adequate treatment and neglected patients. These protests began following allegations of a cancer patient's death due to the hospital's negligence. At the same time, additional incidents of alleged negligence at Tree Top came to light from various sources.

On social media, individuals also began sharing accounts of the alleged neglect they experienced while seeking medical care at the hospital.

However, Health Ministry Quality Assurance Commissioner Thasleema Usman stated that the ministry had not received any formal complaints regarding negligence at Tree Top Hospital. Upon becoming aware of the complaints through social media posts, the ministry initiated an inquiry. A meeting was convened with Tree Top Hospital officials at the ministry's request on Sunday.

Health negligence cases are investigated by the Maldives Medical Council and the Nursing Council on behalf of the government.

In response to the protests in front of Tree Top Hospital in Hulhumalé, the hospital has requested the registration of a formal case. The hospital assured that it takes every official complaint seriously and will promptly investigate in consultation with the relevant authorities.

The hospital has not made any comments on individual cases highlighted by various sources.

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