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Expat with filaria discovered in Hulhumalé

Mohamed Rehan
24 December 2023, MVT 08:58
The health screening program at Hulhumale'-- Photo: Urbanco
Mohamed Rehan
24 December 2023, MVT 08:58

Another expatriate with filaria has been discovered from Hulhumalé on Friday, December 22.

Filariasis has been successfully eradicated from the Maldives in the past.

An official from the Ministry of Health, speaking to Mihaaru News, confirmed that the patient, an Indian expatriate, was identified through the ongoing screening program for similar ailments. The official further verified that treatment for the patient has already commenced.

The first cases of filaria in the Maldives were recently discovered in Kulhudhuffushi City, with a total of 25 cases reported so far. Following the new discovery in Hulhumalé, the total number of positive cases has now increased to 26.

Health Protection Agency (HPA) reports that the filaria patients included those who arrived from India's Uttar Pradesh, Gopalanj, and Tamil Nadu and those who arrived from Bangladesh's Cumilla region as well.

"After the discovery of filaria in Kulhudhuffushi, we have launched a screening program. We are screening both locals and expatriates in the program," the Health Ministry official said.

The official further confirmed that the necessary medication to treat filaria are readily available in the Maldives right now. However, due to the ailment's status as a fully eradicated disease previously, the state is required to procure additional stock to counter any possible new discoveries and treat the current patients as well, the official added.

Although the disease has been completely eradicated from the Maldives previously, the recent resurgence of the ailment is related to the lack of medical check-ups when hiring expatriates for work.

Filariasis is caused by a chronic mosquito-borne parasitic infection, which can lead to swelling of the extremities, hydroceles, and testicular masses. The disease is usually caused by Culex pipiens, a type of mosquito found in congested or dirty water.

Despite contracting the disease, symptoms may remain dormant for an extended period of time.

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