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Student loans issued for 1,015 eligible applicants

The Higher Education Ministry announced today that 1,153 students have qualified for this year's student loans. Out of these, 1,015 students have been selected and will receive their sponsor letters on Thursday.

Malika Shahid
11 June 2024, MVT 15:16
Students at the graduation ceremony at Cyrix College
Malika Shahid
11 June 2024, MVT 15:16

The government has announced the list of 1,015 eligible applicants for student loans today.

This year, a total of 1,709 students applied for the 500 slots opened for higher education loans.

The Higher Education Ministry announced today that 1,153 students have qualified for this year's student loans. Out of these, 1,015 students have been selected and will receive their sponsor letters on Thursday, according to the Ministry.

According to the Ministry, provisional results will be shown for pilot license slots, whereas permanent results will be displayed for students selected for other slots.

For those not selected, the Ministry will provide reasons for their disqualification on its website.

The Ministry will also open the opportunity to submit complaints until June 25 via email for those who have further questions about their loan eligibility.

This year's student loan scheme includes additional funds for people with special needs, offering opportunities to study from diploma to PhD level with all expenses covered.

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