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MMA looks into leak of personal info of staff

Maldives Monetary Authority has said that they are looking into the issue of personal information about a member of their staff being leaked on social media.

Mariyath Mohamed
21 November 2024, MVT 20:33
Medhu Safuhaa / MMA Medhu Safuhaa / MMA
Medhu Safuhaa / MMA
Mariyath Mohamed
21 November 2024, MVT 20:33

Maldives Monetary Authority has said that they are looking into the issue of personal information about a member of their staff being leaked on social media.

There has been personal work related details of a senior official of MMA being circulated on social media this week.

In response to the matter, MMA said today that the authority seeks to protect personal information of its employees.

Hence, MMA's Internal Audit is looking into how the leak came about.

They said that technical assistance has also been sought from Maldives Police Service in the probe.

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