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Suspect arrested in child rape case

Mariyath Mohamed
19 October 2023, MVT 14:46
Police active at the site of a protest held in Male' against rape and sexual abuse.
Mariyath Mohamed
19 October 2023, MVT 14:46

A suspect has been arrested in a case of rape and impregnating a minor that occurred in a Southern island of Maldives.

Police announced today that a 26-year-old Maldivian male was arrested last Sunday in relation to this case. The court has granted an extension of 30 days to keep the suspect on remand and continue investigations.

The mother of the victim claimed in a social media post that the perpetrators of the rape are some individuals from their own island. She also claimed that they shared details with her of a botched abortion attempt as well.

Gender Ministry has stated that it is taking all necessary steps to protect the child.