The departure of Principal Hussain Saeed from Iskandar School has left an indelible mark, resonating through the heartfelt stories of staff members who worked alongside him for 13 years. Saeed's impactful legacy is woven with narratives of dedication to work, genuine care for students, teachers, and parents, and commitment to fairness.
The staff acknowledges that Saeed, until his appointment as Minister of State for Education on December 14, had orchestrated numerous positive changes within the school for the betterment of students.
A teacher from Iskandar expressed that Saeed's contributions as a principal are immeasurable. "We have never had another principal like him. He is a legend for Iskandar School. No matter how hard we try, we cannot repay what the principal has done," remarked a teacher, speaking at a special farewell assembly organized by students and staff to bid adieu to Saeed.
As Saeed stepped into the assembly on Monday for his farewell, the school welcomed him with red flags in a cadets' guard of honor. The strong affection among students was evident through the 67 classes, each presenting cards and garlands expressing heartfelt gratitude.
"If you count the red flags, it is, I believe, a small measure compared to what the principal has done for us, for the students, and teachers. The value is immeasurable," said a school employee.
From transforming the entry gate to reshaping the entire school premises, Saeed is credited with altering the school's culture and enhancing academic results. School staff emphasized Saeed's visionary approach, which played a pivotal role in the school's infrastructure development, positive academic outcomes, and student participation in various activities.
"He would sometimes leave home at 9 pm after arriving at 6 am. There would be no limit to his involvement in activities. Children's issues took top priority, both in academics and extracurriculars. The last few years have been the most successful at the school," shared a teacher.
Teachers vividly recall Saeed's emphasis on punctuality and his guidance to rectify mistakes. "He's like a father figure for us. Even if you make a mistake, he would lovingly guide you on how to correct it. He never spoke out of anger, and there was no discrimination against teachers. It was the same for parents and children alike," mentioned a teacher.
For students, the profound connection that Principal Saeed forged with them will be etched in their memories.
"Some students mention that the principal's presence is felt at the entrance, as he would consistently be there as children come and go from school. This is what the kids witness every day. The principal had such a close relationship with the children," shared the school staff, noting that children were already expressing their sentiments about Saeed.
While everyone welcomes Saeed's progression in his academic career, there is a collective belief that the school will carry the imprint of his absence. Saeed's legacy is poised to endure indefinitely.