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Hanimaadhoo road development over 50% complete: MTCC

Mariyam Malsa
28 June 2020, MVT 19:41
Ongoing road development project in Hanimaadhoo, Haa Dhaalu Atoll. PHOTO: MTCC
Mariyam Malsa
28 June 2020, MVT 19:41

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC), on Sunday, announced the completion of 52 percent of road levelling work and 80 percent of curbstone precasting for the road development project of Hanimaadhoo, Haa Dhaalu Atoll.

According to the company, the installation of settlement tanks and cable junction pips has been completed.

The Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure contracted the MVR 46.7 million project to MTCC on May 22, 2019, and allocated a completion period of 240 days.

MTCC commenced construction work for the project on June 15, 2019.

Overall, the Hanimaadhoo road development project consist of the construction of a carriageway measuring 38,916 square metres, sidewalks measuring 16,518 square metres and a stormwater management system. The project also involves the establishment of service lines with cable junctions, road lighting, signboards and road markings along 19,679 square metres.