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A new company contracted to complete the Aa Sahara cemetery

Haiman Construction has been contracted to complete all finishing work of the two-storey building being constructed at the Aa Sahara cemetery. This comes after Besix concluded all structural constructions they were tasked to finish.

Aishath Shuba Solih
19 May 2024, MVT 11:05
Male' City Council and Haiman Constructions signing the agreement for concluding all finishing touches at the Aa Sahara cemetery. -- Photo: Male' City Council
Aishath Shuba Solih
19 May 2024, MVT 11:05

Another company has been appointed to complete the remaining renovation of the Aa Sahara cemetery following the former contractor's failure in concluding the project.

Male' City Council stated on social platform X last night that Haiman Construction Private Limited has been funded MVR 2.7 million (USD 174,673.48) to conclude the finishing work of the Aa Sahara cemetery.

The agreement stipulating a deadline of two months was signed by the Director of Haiman Constructions, Mohamed Aiman and the Secretary General of the Council, Vajeeh Naseer.

The renovation of the Aa Sahara cemetery to incorporate a two-storey building was initiated in June last year in order to expand space for accommodating visitors. This project was contracted to a company, PNP Maldives Private Limited for MVR 4.9 million (USD 232,897.97) at the time. However, the project assigned with a timeframe of one month remained extensively delayed and unconcluded. Although the City Council had annulled the agreement, the company remained conferred the advance payment of MVR 3.6 million (USD 232,897.97).

Following this, B-Six Investments was newly hired last December to complete the structure of the building with an investment of MVR 4.6 million (USD 297,591.85).

City Council had declared that the company has since concluded the construction they were tasked with and subsequently contracted Haiman Constructions to complete all remaining renovations of the building.

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