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Land plots to be handed to heirs of deceased recipients

Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development has announced today that if the original recipients of the land plots allocated under the 'Binveriya' housing scheme have since passed away, the land plots will now be issued to their legal heirs.

Mariyath Mohamed
13 August 2024, MVT 12:32
Those who received land under the Binveriyaa Scheme in Hulhumalé accepting the plots -- Photo: Nishaan Ali | Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
13 August 2024, MVT 12:32

Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development has announced today that if the original recipients of the land plots allocated under the 'Binveriya' housing scheme have since passed away, the land plots will now be issued to their legal heirs.

In an announcement today, the Ministry announced that in the instance that the recipient(s) for land plots have since passed away, the heirs of said recipients must submit a court order proving they are the legal heirs and apply for an appointment through the Hiyaavehi portal. Once this is done, the ministry will arrange for the signing of the registration agreement.

The ministry has earlier announced that 12 recipients of land plots under this scheme have since passed away.

Under the Binveriya Scheme, over 9000 land plots will be issued to Male' residents from Hulhumale', GulhiFalhu and GiravaruFalhu.

The reclamation of Hulhumale' Phase 3, GulhiFalhu and GiravaruFalhu is not completed as of yet. Out of the 1400 land plots allocated from Hulhumale' Phase 2, most have now been handed over to recipients, with property markers already placed.

Housing Minister Dr Ali Haidar Ahmed stated yesterday in parliament that the land plots allocated from Hulhumale' Phase 3 will also be issued by the end of October. However, he stated that he is unable to name a date when land plots from GulhiFalhu can be issued.