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News / MDP

Jabir’s ticket assigned to Attorney Naseer before appeal has concluded

The MDP ticket of the Kaashidhoo Constituency that was siezed from current parliamentarian of the seat, Jabir has been handed over to Lawyer Abdulla Naseer who had served as the former Under Secretary of the President's Office.

Aishath Shuba Solih
12 February 2024, MVT 13:45
MP Abdulla Jabir and Lawyer Abdulla Naseer
Aishath Shuba Solih
12 February 2024, MVT 13:45

Maldives Democratic Party has decided to assign their Kaashidhoo Constituency ticket of the upcoming Parliamentary Elections to the Attorney, Abdulla Naseer today.

This ticket was formerly secured by businessman and MP Abdulla Jabir during the MDP’s primary elections.

However, MDP had seized this ticket from Jabir and expelled him from the party after deliberating his disciplinary issues. Jabir had appealed against this development within the party.

Naseer, the candidate assigned the ticket instead of Jabir, had competed in MDP Primary elections held this month for the Northern Hulhumale seat and lost the ticket to the former RDC Managing Director during the preceding government’s tenure, Moosa Ali Manik (Mookey). While Mookey had collected 70 votes in favor, Naseer had accumulated a total of 66 votes.

Naseer’s latest contribution to the state was during the tenure of the leader of MDP and former President, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, working as an Under Secretary of the President’s Office to supervise the legal department. Furthermore, he has also previously served in board member positions for various state owned enterprises.

Speaking to Mihaaru News, an MDP official stated that the decision to assign the ticket to another candidate prior to the appeal’s conclusion was due to the narrowing window for parliamentary election applications, hence making it unfeasible to refrain from making a decision on the ticket until the end of the appeal.

The deadline set by the Elections Commission (EC) for accepting applications for the parliamentary elections ends next Tuesday evening at 1600 hrs.

Elections Commission has previously determined to conduct the Parliamentary elections on the 17th of next month. However, with the votes of the parliamentarians of the opposition parties MDP and the Democrats, the amendment to postpone the elections to 10 days after the month of Ramadan was passed yesterday. This year’s Ramadan month is scheduled to begin on 11th March as per the calendar, and is estimated to end on 9th April.

However, this amendment can be implemented following the approval of the President.

The MDP official had also assured that the appeal of Jabir’s dismissal from the Party will be concluded shortly.

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