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Double win for Alia and Yamaha at Boating Awards

05 December 2023, MVT 11:32
05 December 2023, MVT 11:32

Alia Investment and Yamaha received two awards at the National Boating Awards, earning recognition for the most popular marine outboard engine and the best after-sales service provider. The company had previously won both awards last year as well.

With a 49-year history of introducing Yamaha outboard engines in the country, Alia has consistently provided uninterrupted, high-quality after-sales services. The Yamaha power plant models, distributed by Alia Investment, undergo rigorous testing in the local waters, incorporating necessary modifications tailored to local conditions.


Describing the Yamaha engine as a crucial partner that propels vessels and contributes to the expansion of the tourism sector, Alia, the authorized distributor of Yamaha, expressed gratitude for the continued success.

In addition to the sale of Yamaha engines, Alia offers spare parts for mechanics training, further enhancing its commitment to delivering comprehensive services. The company's vision is to provide efficient and top-notch marine outboard engineering services across the Maldives.

Established in 2016, the Boating Award by the Maldives Boating Association acknowledges individuals and entities contributing to the growth and their service towards the marine sector in Maldives.

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