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Club Valencia to hold a committee meeting; Invitation extended to Sports Commissioner

Mariyath Mohamed
16 January 2024, MVT 11:20
ppm candidacy form / Presidential election 2023 / Mohamed Tholal
Mariyath Mohamed
16 January 2024, MVT 11:20

Club Valencia has stated that due to the Sports Commission's ruling that the documents submitted regarding the no confidence vote against Club Chairman Abdulla Azmeen on December 26 goes against club regulations, they have decided to extend an invitation to the Commisioner of Sports, Mohamed Tholal to join a committee meeting this week.

The meeting that judged the unreliability of Chairman Azmeen was presided by Vice Chairman, Ilmaau Hussein Ibrahim. The five club members that attended this meeting had signed stating no confidence in Azmeen.

These members are Vice Chairman Ilmaau, Director of Finance Hassan Waheed (Dhona), and board members Yusuf Razmy Ali, Ali Mamdhooh and Misbah Mohamed.

However, Commissioner Tholal had informed the Club that the meeting in question is not legitimate, and that Azmeen continues to remain as the Club's Chairman.

Representing the club, Hassan Waheed and Ilmaau shared information during a meeting today at SUS Coffee Club. They stated that the decision to hold a meeting with the commissioner attending was in rights of the Club’s future and its supporters, due to a fear that the club may face suspension from FIFA alongside a tarnished reputation.

Additionally, they shared that important decisions on the club’s future will also be made during this meeting.

Due to the internal conflict within Club Valencia, the club is presently divided into two factions. The conflict rose due to the letters sent by the club in support of both Ahmed Thorig (Tom) and Mufaaviz Haashim (Mufaa), candidates contesting in the FAM elections.

Under the guidleines of FIFA, one club may not support two candidates. On the event that such a situation occurs, the club’s support will be dismissed. Moreover, the candidacy of Thorig was also disregarded due to failing to amass the support of three clubs of the first division.

Thorig received the letter in support from Valencia via a board resolution signed by Chariman Azmeen.

Contending candidate Muvaafiz was sent a letter underlining support via a board resolution signed by Vice Chairman Ilmaau.

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