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Investigation launched into blasphemous post on social media platform X

Police have commenced investigations into blasphemous posts on social media platform X.

Ameera Osmanagic
22 June 2024, MVT 14:47
Police headquarters, Shaheed Hussain Adam Building in Malé City --
Ameera Osmanagic
22 June 2024, MVT 14:47

Maldives Police Service has begun investigating a post shared on X (formerly Twitter) which expressed blasphemous sentiments against Islam.

The post was made by an account named Aishath Nazhaa (@AisthNazhaa), and compared the Islamic worship of tawaf around Kaaba and the physical act of prayer facing the Kaaba with yoga.

"Going around a rock, bending towards and kissing it is okay. But yoga is impermissible!" the post written in thaana, which is the writing system of the Maldivian language, read.

The post was made following a post by the Indian High Commission in Maldives, which shared pictures of the International Day of Yoga celebrations, sparking discussion in the local social media scene. Some netizens criticized local Islamic scholars for what they perceived as a lesser denunciation of yoga compared to 2022, when an angry mob interrupted a yoga and meditation session, declaring yoga as 'haram', meaning impermissible in Islam.

Police confirmed that the blasphemous post about Hajj has come to their attention and that it is being investigated, as netizens continue to voice anger about its contents.

Another account in the subthread of the post also made blasphemous comments against Islam. However, the account which published the original post is now deactivated.

Such sacrilegious comments against Islam have been made by other accounts in the past as well.

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Police Islam
