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Bank of Maldives offers ATM services in Gaafaru

Bank of Maldives (BML) has set up a self service banking ATM in Kaafu atoll Gaafaru and commenced services there.

Mariyath Mohamed
09 October 2024, MVT 13:58
Mariyath Mohamed
09 October 2024, MVT 13:58

Bank of Maldives (BML) has set up a self service banking ATM in Kaafu atoll Gaafaru and commenced services there.

The ATM was opened for service today, now allowing the public and businesses to withdraw and deposit money through the ATM.

The ATM also offers bill paying services and money transfers, offering 24 hour service.

BML Deputy CEO and In-charge of the Bank Aishath Nooradeen said that the establishment of this ATM falls under the bank's efforts to provide convenient banking services across the country.

She highlighted that currently in Kaafu atoll, BML has this ATM in Gaafaru, two branches in Kaashidhoo and Maafushi, and ATMs in six other inhabited islands of the atoll.

BML offers services in 20 atolls through 39 branches, 89 self service banking centres annd 144 ATMs and cash agents.

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