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Police Commissioner Shujau expresses concerns over lack of police presence

Police Commissioner states that police officers must spend a majority of their 8 hours shift with the public and expressed concerns on the lack of police patrolling the streets.

Aishath Shuba Solih
30 May 2024, MVT 18:22
Commissioner of Police, Ali Shujau. -- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
30 May 2024, MVT 18:22

Commissioner of Police, Ali Shujau, has expressed concerns over the lack of police presence on roads. He noted that officers are mostly spending their shifts inside their stations and are not seen patrolling the streets unless a crime or other incident has been reported.

Speaking at a ceremony in Addu City Feydhoo to conclude trainings for new recruits, Shujau stated that it is concerning when officers end their duties after remaining solely at their respective stations. He emphasized on the importance of having a visible police presence on the roads to ensure public safety and deter crime.

"This need to change. Majority of the eight hour shift duty needs to be spent with the public," said Shujau.

He emphasized that the only way to establish peace in the streets is through active police patrols. He added that police officers must take the initiative to step out into the streets during instances when traffic escalates as well.

Commissioner of Police, Ali Shujau with a student who completed the police training held in Addu City.

"People need to be spoken to politely. Enforcement of the law fairly needs to be seen. The use of power conferred to the police should always be kept as a last resort in resolving conflicts," said Commissioner Shujau.

Urgings police officers to patrol the streets more often, Shujau stressed that police must personally take the initiative to address matters of public concern. He highlighted their efforts to protect the nation from drugs within this context.

The Commissioner said that that people want officers to be stationed at island harbors at all times to combat the issue of drugs being smuggled onto various islands.

"Seeing police officers in their uniforms can help solve a lot of problems. When people see police around, they're less likely to openly smuggle drugs. If suspects are searched under the existing guidelines, drug smuggling on the island reduce significantly," Shujau said.

Two uniform police officers patrolling the streets.

He stated that the drug issue in Maldives has escalated to the extent that every available officer must be mobilized to address it effectively.

"If you officers conduct your duties in this manner, we will witness positive changes in the country in the years ahead. Unfortunately, when no incidents are reported in the island, most of us end up spending our shifts inside the station today," Shujau said.

Advising the police during the ceremony held last night, Shujau stressed that police needs to embody the values of Islam in their hearts. He stressed that the officers needs to practice praying in congregations and stated that they must steer clear of undesirable events occurring within the community.

Shujau cited a recent incident involving an individual who gained notoriety on social media for obtaining money through fraud. He highlighted the challenges when it was revealed that the perpetrator was a police officer. Shujau emphasized that the public's reaction upon learning the culprit's identity reflected a significant loss of public trust in the police force.

Commissioner of Police, Ali Shujau being welcome upon his arrival at the ceremony held to conclude the police training in Addu City.

Therefore, the Commissioner stated that the love and respect from the public cannot be acquired without refraining from such conduct.

"Both in your professional and personal lives, prioritize the commitment of safeguarding the nation from any actions that could jeopardize it. Something [officers] must always remember is to provide services to every individual with fairness, the Commissioner urged.

He added that the Police Institution can only be free from political influence when officers adhere strictly to the regulations set forth within the institution.

"Do not seek seek assistance from political figures. Police highly encourages education and learnings and provides many opportunities for officers," said Shujau.

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