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Maldives co-sponsors UN human rights resolutions for Muslims

Shahudha Mohamed
24 March 2019, MVT 16:00
United Nations Human Rights Commission in progress. PHOTO: MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS.
Shahudha Mohamed
24 March 2019, MVT 16:00

Maldives co-sponsored all the resolutions calling for the protection of Muslims in Palestine, Syria, and Myammar submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

While the 40th regular session of UNHCR concluded on Sunday, Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed that Maldives co-sponsored all the resolutions that were related to any fields given priority by the country.

According to the ministry, this included the resolutions protecting Muslims in Palestine, Syria and Myammar, as well as the resolutions protecting the environment and resolutions of human rights.

Maldives delivered a total of 21 statements in UNHRC sessions. One of these statements included calling for member representation from small countries.

Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid led the delegation of Maldives that participated in the high level segments which took place before UNHRC's regular sessions.

The Maldivian Ambassador for the UN Dr Haala Hameed, Deputy Permanent Representative at Geneva's Mission Haula Ahmed Didi, First Secretary at the Maldivian Embassy in London Shaaliya Ali Manik, and First Secretary of Geneva's Mission Aishath Shahula represented Maldives in the meetings following the high level segments.