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Shifau appointed to a political post and dismissed shortly after due to fraud allegations

Shifau was appointed to a political position despite involvement in a case concerning TT fraud carried out during business communications. He was dismissed from the position soon after with the President's Office stating they were unaware of the allegations.

Aishath Shuba Solih
23 May 2024, MVT 18:05
Hussain Shifau, Ma. Honeysuckle.
Aishath Shuba Solih
23 May 2024, MVT 18:05

Hussain Shifau who was previously sued under allegations of conducting business communications with foreign companies using counterfeit Telegraphic Transfers (TTs) was appointed to a political position of the state nearly four days ago.

However, the President's Office had dismissed him from his post shortly after his appointment today.

He was appointed to the position of Political Director at the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare.

Spokesperson for the President's Office, Heena Waleed stated today that the office was unaware of the allegations against him during the time of appointment. She said that he was dismissed from his position today soon after they received details on the charges.

Shifau was arrested on April 28, 2023 on allegations of engaging in fraud and deception through a private business named "Kingdom of Fruits" during communications proceeded with foreign companies.

However, he was summoned to court for a remand hearing the following month and was released on grounds than he posed no danger to the community. During the appeal of the case, Shafeeu had departed from the country.

Once the Interpol issued a Red Notice for his arrest amid local police pursuits, Shifau had returned to the country of his own volition. Although he was arrested, he was soon released after seizing his passport under conditions which included prohibition of travel to any location other than Male' City.

The prosecution had filed 23 charges against Shifau which includes 7 counts of fraud and deception, 9 counts of deliberate use of invalid documents, and 7 counts of money laundering, which adds up to minimum 38 years in prison if convicted.

While Shifau was appointed to a political position, the Prosecutor General's Office had stated that no cases filed against him were withdrawn. The Office had also affirmed that the cases remain unattended at court since its initial submission with no trials held to further proceed the cases.

The President's Office generally reviews the background of nominees appointed into political posts. Heena had ensured that such a situation will not be repeated in the future and assured that procedures will be further solidified following these events.

"Procedures of people being appointed into political position will be reviewed more thoroughly than now in the future," she said.