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Zeenaz appointed as PNC Secretary General

Zeenaz Adnan has been appointed as Secretary General of ruling People's National Congress.

Mariyath Mohamed
25 May 2024, MVT 08:37
Mariyath Mohamed
25 May 2024, MVT 08:37

Zeenaz Adnan has been appointed as Secretary General of ruling People's National Congress (PNC).

In a post on social media X, PNC announced that Zeenaz has been appointed on Friday to head the administration of the party.

Zeenaz, a member of PNC Senate, contested in the party primaries for the Fuvahmulah constituency for the recent parliamentary election. However, she did not win the party ticket.

Zeenaz is the wife of Minister of Cities, Local Government and Public Works Adam Shareef.

Zeenaz has extensive experience in the education sector. Previously, she served as the CEO of the children's shelter in Vilimale'.

As per Elections Commission records, PNC currently has 27,704 members. Coalition partner Progressive Party of Maldives has 35,044 members.

Together, the ruling coalition is 62,748 members strong.

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